Writer’s Block

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Personal photo

One of the worst feelings is writer’s block. I want to write something important and meaningful, but I can’t get the words out. Ideas are fleeting at times like this, and the only way to combat the malaise is to keep writing and hope to unclog my brain.

Without thinking, I know that a big reason for my writer’s block is surviving a hectic week that started with the holiday and consisted of medical appointments, all crammed into the last two days of the week. And I’m not finished yet. Monday, I have more medical appointments to take care of before things start returning to normal on Tuesday.

When I saw my therapist this week, I tried explaining how I feel calmer, but I also feel tons of pressure building inside me with no release valve. She understood but didn’t want to change my medication right now.

Friday was busy for another reason. Rather than take time and relax, I enlisted Hal’s help and cleared out a bunch of junk in the bedroom, so I have more room for my iMac. Then I spent time locating my mixing board to get busy preparing to launch my podcast. I want my podcast up and running by the end of this month.

My first absolute priority was to rest and recover from last week before diving into the podcast project or fighting may through writer’s block. I’ve learned to pivot away from things. When I hit a roadblock, I can return later with a clear head and better focus.

Other things have been on my mind. Our friend who went to the hospital last Thursday still isn’t communicating. He won’t return calls and always answers texts with “I’m busy, I’ll get right back to you,” but that never happens. We don’t know if he is still in the hospital or even which hospital. He could be at home for all we know.

I remember how lonely I felt when I was in the hospital. I appreciated every phone call and visit, but I love communicating with people. Since this is the first time our friend has been hospitalized, at far as we know, so perhaps he reacts differently. At any rate, I am letting my concern ebb away because there is nothing I can do from here if he wants to be left alone. I’m not cruel. I accept things as they are until they change.

Tomorrow starts a new week. I have one more medical appointment to close out this cycle and then things calm down.

One day at a time.