Worried About A Friend

Worried About A Friend
Photo by Quino Al / Unsplash

I called a friend last weekend to say hello. I have known her for more than 15 years because we worked together until I went on permanent disability back in 2021. Of all my old coworkers, she is the one who has stayed in touch the longest. We seldom go for more than three weeks without calling one another and talking for more than an hour.

Our conversations are something that I look forward to every week or two. She is still working, so her schedule is much busier than mine, so I never call constantly because it would interfere with her work and life. The last thing I want to do is ruin a relationship.

As I said earlier, I called her last weekend, and she answered on the first ring. I immediately knew something was wrong by the tone in her voice as she asked me if she could call me back. The manner in her voice was that of someone at a hospital waiting on word about a loved one who is gravely ill. I was concerned, but I didn't press her for information, and I answered, "Sure," and then she immediately hung up. I haven't heard from her since then.

Here I am a week later and she still hasn't called back. We know each other well enough to respect one another privacy. I won't call her for at least another week, but I will be thinking about her until I finally hear from her again.

I sincerely hope she and her family are OK and that I have misread the entire situation. All I can do is wait and hope.