Why is everyone so angry?
Why is everyone so angry? Anger is the new normal everywhere I go. People are looking for arguments all the time.
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I understand that the election results weren’t what we hoped for, but is that the only reason to stay angry? While I know that some people might need to express their frustration, I wonder how much anger is too much. Half the people are angry that their candidate lost, and the other half, even more inexplicably, are furious that he won and will attack everyone even more.
Again, here are the people who won the election. They were angry before, and now they’re even more enraged. I can’t help but think that they’re somehow angry at life itself. They’ll never be satisfied unless they have something or someone to blame. We all know people like this; since they cannot be happy, they also try to make everyone else miserable. I’ve occasionally met people like this throughout my life, but now they are everywhere. I am tired of the nonsense.
There must have been some deep-seated trauma that they all went through at some point in their lives. It’s like they’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of anger. Discussing things with these people rationally is useless because they don’t reason. They see the world as a bizarro world where opinion matters more than facts. Truth is highly subjective for them; it must conform to their preconceived mindset to be considered and processed without hesitation.
Kindness teaches me to feel for them, but only up to a point. When they base their life philosophy on fear, hate, and harming others, Kindness has its limits. Kindness is not unconditional to those who cannot reciprocate the feeling. They are emotional vampires, sucking the energy from those around them. I learned the painful lesson years ago that to let them drown in their sorrow and anger is preferable to them ensnaring me with them so we drown together.
Unfortunately, I haven’t met one miserable person who was truly willing to see the world differently. The most common response is, “We just agree to disagree.” That isn’t anything other than a rejection of Kindness and Humanity. I cannot accept people in my life who are so filled with hate. I won’t let them try to drag me down to their level of anger. I block them and ignore their pleas to get involved in an argument with them.
Kindness is not absolute. It should be offered to everyone, but when experience proves that someone is an emotional vampire, and when Kindness is rejected or ignored, you must accept that and move on with your life. You cannot save or please everyone; trying to do so will make you crazy.
I concluded that some people must enjoy being angry. They may believe that it gives their lives some direction or purpose. I feel sorry if that is the case, but I realize it takes all sorts of people to make the world go around. My concern is how much more angry these people can get. Their anger is like a raging wildfire that destroys everything it touches. They take pleasure in generating anger and misery in others to provide fuel and keep the wildfire burning.
The constant struggle against this hate made me distance myself from politics. Battling hate is exhausting, but I honestly believe that it is even more exhausting and damaging to those it infects.
It must be terrible to lose one’s perspective on life just to fit in with the crowd. I hear them screaming louder and louder as if they’re trying to drown out their humanity and ignore it. When they act out with their anger, they have their compatriots cheering them on, daring each other to step even further away from basic humanity in the pursuit of some ideological Nirvana that they can never reach because once they eliminate those who are “different,” they’ll turn on each other in the name of their ideological purity. Thus, they become some Randian fantasy as they destroy one another.
We all have our lives to live, and we will not interact pleasantly with all others. Once we learn that lesson, we can focus on ourselves because that is the pathway to finding Happiness and Kindness that we can genuinely share with others.