When Writing is Unfulfilling

When Writing is Unfulfilling
Photo by Farzad / Unsplash

Originally published on Medium

I’m falling out of love with Medium. There, I finally said it. The app has been acting wonky recently, and user interaction is sparse at best. I never joined Medium to make money, and I’m glad because otherwise, I would be disappointed with the whole thing.

I still love to write, but I’m just not as interested in writing for Medium as I once was. I recently started my website


I write there with a sense of joy because I am free of any restrictions, and I own my content. I felt the same way when I started on Medium before my enthusiasm dried up and blew away.

I’m not trying to pile on Medium. I’m just discovering that it isn’t everything I expected. I’ve never made more than four dollars a month but never expected to get rich from writing.

Medium still has a lot going for it. The community of writers is overwhelmingly positive and helpful. There is none of the Social Media BS that one finds on other sites, and I’m grateful for that. There is more than enough hatred in the world without creating more.

I wish I could articulate my feelings more clearly, but I can’t find the right words. I feel chained to the ground when I write on Medium, but I feel like I can fly forever when I write for my website and my podcast coming next month.

I’m not abandoning Medium. I simply don’t know how much time I’m willing to dedicate here in the future. That might be splitting hairs, but it doesn’t bother me. I’ve never felt so creative on my own yet constrained on Medium. My best path is to write independently and bring some of my stories to Medium later. That approach lets me write freely without leaving Medium altogether.

I have a lot to think about moving forward. My first objective is Happiness. Everything else is secondary.