What is one good thing that I often take for granted?

What is one good thing that I often take for granted?
Photo by Ayelt van Veen / Unsplash

I am the luckiest man in the world because I met my incredible partner, Hal, almost twenty-three years ago, and I love him more than anything. I fear being together for such a long time might give me a reason to take our relationship for granted, and I never want that to happen. 

I spent too many years alone ever to take what I have now for granted. Loneliness is a terrible feeling that corrupts the soul and causes bitterness and depression that can ruin your life. It very nearly happened to me until I met Hal. We've been together ever since. 

It feels strange to talk about a relationship lasting twenty-three years because every day feels wonderful and new to me. We communicate we communicate without speaking much of the time. We almost instinctively finish each other's sentences because our minds are on the same wavelength. 

This morning, I laid next to Hal in bed and just held him tight. He returned the favor and in that moment, nothing else in the world mattered to me.  There is no love more important in my life. I treasure every second with Hal. He saved my life by making medical decisions when I was in the hospital, otherwise, I wouldn't be here writing this story. 

That is why my love for Hal is the thing that I cherish the most in this world, and also the thing I fear ever taking for granted.