Looking for the Silver Lining

Looking for the Silver Lining
Photo by Aakanksha Panwar / Unsplash

Constantly thinking about what goes wrong is a recipe for a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is so easy to let the world drag me down, to give up the struggle to find Kindness during all the chaos, but I won’t give up. I’ve started more than five articles and abandoned them because they all said the same thing. Life can suck sometimes, but I look out the window and see a beautiful day. Nature doesn’t give a shit about whatever crisis I think I’m going through because Nature takes that big-picture view of the world.

I watch the cats playing. They don’t care about my troubles unless they interfere with their mealtimes. They still give me unconditional love and support, and affection without judgment. Kindness is still all around me. I have to make an effort to see it when I’m upset. That is the real difference between good times and bad times.

Kindness comes from friends, both old and new. Kind, supportive words mean a lot when I’m feeling depressed. A simple offer of help means the world at times like this.