Trying To Keep Calm

Trying To Keep Calm
Photo by Sean Stratton / Unsplash

“I will always find something to worry about.” Those words from my therapist race around my mind on days like this. I keep the news turned off, because I worry that the propaganda machine is gearing us up for something catastrophic in the Middle East.

I haven’t seen anything that snagged big media’s attention so completely since 9/11 and the lead up to the Gulf War.
I’m worried that someone will say or do something stupid, miscalculations will result, and even more innocent people will suffer. It’s like watching a train wreck that you know is coming, but everyone either is actively steering the trains, or pretends that the trains have nothing to do with them in their houses by the railroad tracks.

One always hopes that cooler heads will prevail, but they are scarce right now. The world needs adult supervision, but the adults seem to have disappeared. I heard a man at the store the other day going on about the rapture, because he just knows Jesus is coming. Yeah, nothing says love like instigating pain and suffering for the pleasure of your imaginary friend. I listened to him prattling on to me until I finally told him that he didn’t shut his mouth that I was going to pull the pin on a grenade, shove that bitch in his mouth and tell him to wait one minute before talking so I could hobble away from the blast. Yeah, sometimes the Old Me still comes shining through.

When I have thoughts like that, I start feeling like I lost control and I try to reclaim my Zen as quickly as possible. Logically, I know that there are idiots out there whose sole purpose in life is to trigger me. I must resist that urge before my blood pressure spikes.