This Is No Time For Complacency. COVID Is Still Out There

This Is No Time For Complacency. COVID Is Still Out There

Hal and I ventured out on Friday. We went to our regularly scheduled chiropractor appointment and then Hal wanted to go by the shopping mall. We got there, and the mall which is mainly deserted most of the year was packed. I couldn’t find a parking spot, so we ever went inside until Hal saw a parking spot near AtHome, so I parked and told him I was staying in the car. 

As we had circumnavigated the mall, with shoppers darting in and out of traffic, I didn’t see even one person wearing a mask. That was the reason I stayed in the car while Hal went inside, and yes, Hal wore his mask. 

Sadly, I’m not surprised at how many people no longer wear masks, especially in crowded spaces like a shopping mall or grocery store. Hal and I still wear our masks anytime we go inside a place that is crowded. We also carry wipes to clean our hands after touching surfaces. When we go to a restaurant, we wipe the table and things like salt and pepper shakers before we use them. People give us strange looks, but thankfully neither of us has contracted COVID. 

While some people are tired of hearing about this, we still discover people we know who just contracted COVID within the last week. While staying up to date on vaccines helps, there is, and never was, a 100% guarantee that you wouldn’t catch COVID, but at least the severity is less when you’re vaccinated. 

Take care of yourself and others, especially during this holiday season.