There is nothing “Normal “ about accepting gun violence in America.

There is nothing “Normal “ about accepting gun violence in America.
Photo by Gayatri Malhotra / Unsplash

Every time there is another school shooting in America, the terrorist Republicans and their terrorist masters from the NRA refuse to talk about gun control because" it isn't appropriate to politicize a tragedy" so soon after it happens. They say that the families deserve privacy and respect.

Those statements rank right down there with the useless "thoughts and prayers "bullshit that the Republicans always use as their response to school shootings or mass shootings anywhere. Their lack of action to correct this problem is criminal and evil. I expect nothing from them; it is time to elect leaders who will confront this problem head-on and work to find solutions.

Instead, we get J.D. Vance or "Hillbilly Vanilli" commenting that scenes like this are new every day, and we have to accept it as a fact of life. If nothing else shows the true feelings of the Republicans, that statement does.

How dare he say that we should be willing and accepting that our children are "acceptable losses" so that people can possess guns intended for hunting anything other than humans? His statement's lack of empathy, feeling, and basic humanity is almost unbelievable. I say almost because nothing the Republicans say or do surprises me anymore.

I don't have any children, but I can't imagine what it is like to go to school, and active shooter drills are part of the curriculum. We have failed our children. We allow these tragedies to happen over and over, thinking that more security and more police are the answer. This approach isn't working; although people will claim, with some validation, that the extra security does prevent some shootings, I contend that our goal as a society should be to eliminate these shootings if possible. Claiming that this is a naive approach is nothing more than denial to take any action at all other than reinforcing the narrative that this is the "new normal" that the Republicans and their NRA masters want us all to believe.

Putting the "rights" of gun owners and manufacturers over the rights of our children and citizens to live is just another criminal act from the criminal and terrorist enterprise that is the Republican party today.