The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Tom Petty really nailed how I felt on Wednesday at the doctor’s office. The waiting is the hardest part. We drove. Fifty miles to get to the office, and my appointment was scheduled for 1045. Naturally, it was nearly 1130 by the time I was led from the waiting room back to an exam room for a chat with the nurse. The nurse carefully noted everything I said so the doctor would act up to date when he finally arrived. I was already tired from the trip, I-95 is never an easy drive with all the people in a terrible rush to get wherever the hell they are going.
I really don’t like sitting in a doctor’s office waiting room. I still mask up when I am in an environment like that because I have enough breathing problems without adding any new ones. The reason I drive such a long distance to the doctor is that he has been treating me for more than three years. I hate to lose him, but the trip just became too taxing on me. I am looking for a new doctor that is closer to where we live now.
The search for a new doctor  got complicated because the nearest hospital and their network of doctors no longer accept my Medicaid insurance, so I must change it as well as locate a new doctor.  Things will take time, but I will get them done soon.