The signs are there for all to see.

The signs are there for all to see.
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‘Totally illegal’: Trump escalates rhetoric on outlawing political dissent and criticism
“This is out of the autocratic playbook. As autocrats consolidate their power once they’re in office, anything that threatens their power ... becomes illegal,” historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat said.

I wonder why we are still in the midst of a tight Presidential campaign. The signs are there for everyone to see, plain as day. I have to finally admit to myself that there are far too many people that would gladly accept a Nazi regime here in America. I grew up with a Father who bombed the shit out of the Nazis in World War II as a member of a bomber crew that flew out of England. He told me about the sacrifices he and his comrades made and the responsibility everyone had to make sure that those things never happened again.

But here we are approximately 80 years later, and the same things are happening again, except this time, they are happening right here in America. We felt safe from this threat for years, believing it could never happen here. We were wrong because it was happening right in front of us.

Read the quote from the Republicans' new hero from many years ago in Germany and see how well it fits into the current strategy that the Republicans focus on. Observe how they blindly follow their new cult leader, Trump, without question.

Read the story about how the new American Hitler correspond to the Nazi regime and all the other dictators and despots around the world. Yet, Republicans do nothing to object to this behavior; in fact, they encourage it. Every day, we hear about some new "Big Lie" that the Republicans want to throw at the American people.

While this behavior is disturbing, the most chilling and terrifying those is that so many Americans agree with those sentiments and want to live under a Nazi regime. Somehow, we have lost our way. The impotent slogans and lies are non-stop, so people start to believe them without question. The groundwork for this was started over 40 years ago with Ronald Reagan's campaign.

Reagan campaigned against what he called "big government" when, in reality, he was building the first phase of what we now refer to as Project 2025. The American Mein Kampf.

Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Project
Presidential Transition Project The 2025 Presidential Transition Project paves the way for an effective conservative Administration based on four pillars.

Once again, Nazis lay out their warped, evil, and sadistic plans for all to see, gleefully knowing that a "civilized and advanced" nation could not possibly fall for such a scam. History repeats itself. Each Republican administration pushes a little bit further towards official Nazism until we arrive at this crucial point.

Trump has even suggested using the military to "deal with" any opposition to him if he is elected. Send in the Red Hats, who replace the Brownshirts in Germany. That will be the first stage in the takeover of America by the Republican Nazis.

The similarities between Hitler and Trump are unnerving. They both base their political appeal on the fear of "others." For Hitler, it was the Jews; for Trump, it was immigrants, LGBTQIA+, women, and the highly educated. Hitler rose to power to rule personally, without fear of objection. Trump is following the same path; he wants to rule like a monarch and a rubber-stamp Congress to follow him without question.

Hitler threatened other countries. Trump threatens them as well by promising to withdraw support from our allies. Trump also admires Putin, another ruthless despot who wants to conquer the world one bit at a time. In fact, Trump acts like a Russian operative because he stole classified information and probably handed it over to the Russians to make copies.

Trump and the Republican Nazis represent a clear and present danger to our nation and our democratic system of government. The ballot must stop them before violence becomes the only alternative we have left.

Do your civic duty and VOTE.