Snoopy Gets A New Home

Snoopy Gets A New Home

Snoopy got a new home this morning. I needed more room on my desk in the bedroom, so now one of my Snoopys has a new home on the windowsill over the kitchen sink. I think he will enjoy the view from there. I don’t think Hal has even noticed this morning, so I will let him discover this on his own. I like Snoopy’s new spot in the kitchen. It livens the place up.

The little things can make a world of difference in our lives. Kindness allows us to appreciate the small changes and new things we see daily. Life is lovely if I can make a small change for the better each day. If I notice the changes around me, I am alive and appreciative of life. Right now, I am taking the time to write and catch up on my blog. I had neglected it over the last two weeks due to travel and medical appointments until this morning, when I finally had a break. I am doing my regular typing routine, writing a paragraph and then watching Grammarly edit it. I am OK with corrections as long as the message stays intact. I am thankful for Grammarly. After all, my spelling would be atrocious because I tend to type quickly, which causes problems. Grabbing the iPad and attaching the keyboard is easy to write, provided I don’t try to do too much at once.

I know I grabbed the iPad and started writing because I took Hal to get his new Android tablet from T-Mobile. Try as I might, I cannot get Hal to leave the dark side of Android for the light that is Apple. I went back to Apple years ago after the horror stories I encountered about Android security if you can call it that, and all the problems Android had. All of my tech toys now are from Apple, and I am delighted with them. I am an Apple fanboy, but I don’t argue with Android users because that wastes everyone’s time.

Everything is quiet except for my typing. Hal is in the other room setting up his new tablet. I will help him if he needs anything. I accomplished a lot this morning and am glad we can stay home and relax. I had bloodwork done at the lab first thing this morning after fasting last night (I hate that), and then Hal and I had our Chiropractor appointment later in the morning. After that, we stopped at Costco and bought necessities and food to store in the freezer. Then I took Hal to T-Mobile to get his tablet up and running with a SIM card, and we finally returned home.

During all this activity, Snoopy sat silently in his new home, soaking up the sun and observing life in his way. If he has a sense of awareness, I wonder how he sees the world from a stationary position. One would think that a change of scenery would be a great adventure since he cannot move independently. Would he feel gratitude for moving him? Would he appreciate the Kindness of checking on him every day? When I type with no direction other than Grammarly, these questions come to mind. There are worse ways to spend a Friday afternoon.