Sleeping and Sunday

Sleeping and Sunday


My CPAP and the adjustable bed are making it easier for me to sleep at night. I am finally getting almost 8 hours of sleep each night, and that hasn’t happened in years. I hope that this continues.  

The weather today will be rainy and miserable around here. I placed a grocery delivery order from Kroger so we don’t have to go out. Grocery delivery is something we began using during the height of the pandemic, and honestly, the pandemic isn’t over by a long shot.

Perhaps tomorrow will be a more agreeable day weather wise. One advantage of being disabled is that we have weekdays to do whatever we like.

I’m experimenting with a new writing technique. I’m writing everyday things here in Day One, and I’ll keep my focused writing elsewhere. I’ve been inspired by a local author who I follow. I don’t know if he has a focus blog, but he does beautiful and interesting daily/weekly summaries. I’m coming back to this story over and over to add more detail as the day goes on. 

Actually, I’m really enjoying this new writing experiment. I hope my enthusiasm isn’t just temporary, and I can keep this momentum going.

Since this is Sunday and the weather sucks, I suppose I’ll watch NFL RedZone all afternoon while Hal does his own thing with his VR friends. I don’t mind his interest in VR, but as I’ve told him, actual reality is more than enough for me.

Well, I’m stopping now, and I might add more later before posting this to my website and to Mastodon.

Speaking of sleep, I felt so tired this afternoon that I went to bed and slept for 4 hours. It’s amazing how relaxing helps with sleep. I should do that more often. 

Anyway, that sums up Sunday around here, so be kind to one another.