Recovery From Surgery

Recovery From Surgery

This is my first story for June. I am still recovering from eyelid reduction surgery that took place last week. I finally got the procedure medically cleared as necessary for keeping my vision instead of being considered purely cosmetic surgery. For years, my eyelids had become increasingly swollen and heavy to the point where more than half my eyes were always covered. I suffered from poor vision as a result, and I knew that something had to be done.

Driving was more difficult with each passing month. I feared losing my driving privileges unless something was done to correct the problem. Thankfully, my ophthalmologist recommended an eye surgeon who could do the operation. I consulted him, and he said he could improve my vision with outpatient surgery.

During my consultation, he took several images of my eyes to demonstrate the worsening condition of the eyelids. That did the trick because my health coverage agreed to cover the surgery at 100%. Otherwise, I would never have been able to afford it. 

I was very nervous when I arrived for the surgery. Anything related to a loss of vision is concerning. I was given one diazepam tablet before the procedure, so I didn't feel much discomfort at all. The doctor put in opaque contact lenses while he was working on me to keep me calm. I felt tugs and pulls on my eyelids as he tightened the muscles to raise them. He also drained excess oil from the eyelids to reduce their puffiness. Plenty of stitches across both eyelids will be in for several weeks so the scars can heal.

When I came home, I felt nauseous from the diazepam, something that I will remember in the future. Hal puts cold compresses on my eyelids for 15 minutes several times daily to help the swelling decrease. I am supposed to sleep in a reclining position to keep fluids from moving around, but that is more difficult than it sounds. 

I have been home since the procedure, and Monday will be the first time I will drive. I have an appointment with my new psychiatrist that I don't want to miss. I am glad that I had the surgery. Although the eyelids and stitches are very easily irritated and itch more than I would like, I cannot touch the scars for fear of possible infection.

At least on Sunday evening, I can see enough to get back to writing, even if it is only a short story.