Preparing For A New Year, Or Up In Smoke

Preparing For A New Year, Or Up In Smoke
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

2023 is nearly gone. Rather than try to write another personal summary of the year, or make resolutions that won't be kept, I'm going to focus on the here and now. The week between Xmas and New Year's Day is always hectic for so many people. They are recovering from one holiday to get ready for the next one.

I have never smoked weed. There, I admit it. I don't know for sure, but I certainly feel like I'm in the minority for saying so. I don't have any trouble with people who smoke weed because it wouldn't matter either way. 

My career prevented me from ever experimenting, and growing up I was always into other things than drugs. The temptation was never there for me. I always abstained when others partook, I left the room or the area because quite honestly, the smell made me nauseous. Call it a built-in unintentional prevention method. 

Now that weed is legal here, I have no problem, with just one exception. For the last few days, some neighbors in a nearby apartment have been smoking almost non-stop. The sickening smell has come through the windows, and I have been on the verge of vomiting several times. 

Like I said earlier, the smell of weed makes me sick. I get zero contact high, and my experience isn't pleasant at all. While I can't object to people smoking weed in their apartments, there has to be a limit once it affects other people. If this happens again, I'll have to notify the office about the problem. 

I hate to be “that guy”, but we pay our rent just like everyone else, and deserve fair treatment. When there is so much weed smoked that I am sick in another apartment then there is a problem.