One Thing At A Time

One Thing At A Time
Photo by Duane Mendes / Unsplash

I am more determined than ever to get this room straightened out so I will have room to work and create at my desk. It is incredibly frustrating to move things all over the place so that I can sit and type on the iMac when I want to. 2024 is a new beginning, and I want to use the time productively.

My entire focus is on using my desk for writing, not my iPhone. I am tired of messing with such a small screen when I want to write. I also have the podcasting setup near my desk, but it takes an expedition to get to things because of the overcrowding in this room.

For now, I consulted with Hal, who is much better at organizing things than I am, and he agreed to help me in small stages to attack the clutter. With his help, I know that things will get better quickly.

I hate imposing on Hal, but my mind doesn't work as it used to, and sometimes visualization is complex. This is just another symptom of the issues that I face daily since my health went away in a permanent vacation and left me struggling to cope. 

At least I still enjoy writing, and I will want to podcast once I get the room to start. I recently had a crisis of confidence with Medium; the site is increasingly difficult to manage. I write and am still waiting for responses, and the earnings haven't moved at all this month. I only check my earnings because it is the end of the month and the end of the year.

I refused to bite on the more expensive Medium plan. If I cannot cover the $5 per month, why would I want to pay $15 instead? If my stats are correct, I only made a positive return on my $5 membership fee investment once in 2023. I have read the articles from people, and they are people who claim that their earnings have increased after giving Medium more money. Something is inherently wrong with that logic, which only validates my suspicions that the whole thing is rigged.

I still compose and put my writing on my website,, which gives me complete control over my content. If I make any money from my website, the profit is all mine, but I still need to write to make money from it. I will always write because I enjoy it, nothing more.

Well, Saturday will be here before I know it, which means the first cleanup phase here. I have a list of things I’m taking to the Salvation Army or Goodwill tomorrow. The main thing about cleaning this place up is that it won’t happen instantaneously; it will take some time to accomplish in an orderly fashion. Before that happens, I want to get a good night's sleep if possible. My neck still has a strained muscle or pinched nerve that is causing unbearable pain tonight. I hope a nice hot shower will loosen things up so I can rest.