Nothing Changes Just By Wishing

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I keep starting and restarting my blogging habits. I created my website/blog to control what happens there without outside interference. I feel free and nervous at the same time.

A writer on Medium who I have the utmost respect for He understands the struggles that writers go through and is always kind, gracious, and encouraging to everyone. Whenever I feel like giving up, he writes another story encouraging everyone to keep writing because that ultimately leads to success.

My website/blog. I hope you check it out and subscribe.

Kindness is my gift to the writing world. Whereas Jason has a brilliant sense of humor and razor-sharp wit, I am quieter and more reflective. I would never dare to emulate anyone knowingly, and perhaps that is a problem for me because someone at some point probably said precisely what I’m saying right now. I have to tell myself that what I’m saying is valuable because I am saying it.

I know I can’t sit and wish to be a better writer. I must keep charging ahead and overcoming the obstacles and fears in my path. I will let Kindness lead the way.

Kindness isn’t dull. It is wonderful. Everyone should, in my humble opinion, welcome the free gift of Kindness into their lives and see what a difference Kindness can make. I am a much better person due to Kindness. I transitioned from a bitter cynic to a calm and reasonable person. Discovering Kindness saved my life several times over the last three years.

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Everyone has a journey to complete. We also have equal opportunity to embrace Kindness. Some people realize this sooner than others; I was a late bloomer. I’m sorry.

My role in life and as a writer changed. I no longer need to add a cutting remark to every conversation. I learned to value and protect my thoughts and opinions on almost everything. Being hateful doesn’t change anyone’s mind, and I’m not suggesting that telling an angry person to embrace Kindness will make a difference. All I can do is follow Kindness and let my writing show others the way.

I could sit in my ivory tower and pontificate to the world, just like a million other writers. I could claim I know all the answers, but I don’t. All I can do and try to do is to suggest that we all be Kind to one another. Kindness doesn’t cost a thing, and some people find they’re just not ready for it. The beauty is that Kindness will always be there for them when the time is right.

So what is there for me to write about? The most straightforward starting point is a diary about my life and adventures. I need to take the time and record my observations about daily life and then write it out without some superficial deadline bothering me. I always remember what the author Douglas Adams said about deadlines “They make a wonderful whooshing sound as they fly by.” I am trying to adopt that viewpoint for myself.

Remembering that I am important is a hard lesson to learn as I progress through therapy. I was beaten down so hard, which made me angry because I felt worthless and that my opinions were too. As I fell further and further down that rabbit hole, I felt completely detached from everything. It was not a good feeling to have. It was the old quicksand dilemma. The more I struggled, the worse things seemed to get. I exhausted myself and my health for no good reason, which always haunts me. I learned that there is so much more to life, beautiful things that I want to share with the world. That is my call to write.

Even in the quietest moments, I am grateful for my life. Possessions come and go, but Kindness and Love are eternal. I have an excellent partner who has traveled along on our shared journey. I am the luckiest man in the world. I look around me daily, and my good fortune is readily apparent. That feeling of inner confidence is driving me to write. While I hope my stories are enjoyable, I know that if they please me, they are worth sharing.

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