Never Give Up Writing

Never Give Up Writing
Photo by Nick Morrison / Unsplash

Writing can be very frustrating at the best of times. Even though I write for myself, I often wonder why I put in the effort. I tell myself that writing is a worthwhile endeavor as I struggle at times to fill the screen with words that hopefully make some kind of sense. 

I've described my writing style at times like this as stream-of-consciousness writing because I simply start and hope it all makes some kind of sense eventually. Sometimes it works, and sometimes I stare at what I wrote and wonder what in the hell was that? Not the most encouraging feeling in the world. 

When I decided to start writing on Medium, I had no idea what I was in for. The thought of making some money through my writing was appealing, but after a year, I cannot understand how the Medium algorithm works. The details depend on who is writing the story about the process, but it seems to me like Medium deliberately muddied the waters so no one can effectively figure it out. I've never made much myself, I never expected to make any real bank from this. 

The thing about Medium that bothers me is they claim ownership of whatever I write. Medium takes a cut, no matter how small. Since I pay to be a member, why does Medium need to take more?

I started my personal website to get around this problem. I publish my material there before publishing it to Medium so the original story is mine. I hope to drive more traffic to my website in the future, as well as finally starting a podcast. 

My podcast will be focused on Kindness and will tie into my website. As long as I can keep the Stooges from chewing through the microphone cables, I should be OK. 

What I write about is important to me. I can't guarantee that everyone will like or approve, but that's true of everything we do. 

Never give up