My Podcast is Nearly Ready

My Podcast is Nearly Ready
Photo by Harry Cunningham / Unsplash

After almost a month of preparation, constantly interrupted by life events, my podcast is almost ready for recording. I’m getting my intro and outdo segments completed and looking for the right music I can create for the mood I want.

My script is in the final stage now, so I can record in smaller segments if needed and then do some splicing together later. I won’t meet the 01 August deadline I set for myself, but it shouldn’t be a significant delay. The actual delay will be getting the podcast approved by Apple and Google, and perhaps Spotify. That can take several days, and I lost two days dealing with the car (

Now that I’m back on track, things should go more smoothly. I’ll have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this upcoming week to take care of the podcast, as well as some time around medical appointments and the gym on Tuesday and Thursday.

I thought the other day about an opening statement for my first several episodes, and I think I’ve found it. “I’ve wanted to start a podcast for a long time, but something always got in my way. Then I realized that the only thing getting in my way was me.” That statement is valid on a profoundly personal level. If I hadn’t found the courage to start blogging and creating my website, I wouldn’t be standing on the precipice of my podcast.

Everything in my life over the past three years has involved personal growth and finding the courage to face new challenges. Although physically I’m weak mentally, I’ve never felt more vital, and I have so many wonderful friends who helped me along the way. There are far too many to mention, and most will never read this work, but they have all shaped me in meaningful ways, and I am grateful for each of them. I learned that although I might be isolated physically, it is only a handicap if I separate myself from the rest of the world emotionally. I want to give back to the world, and I believe I have important things to say. I cannot and will not force anyone to read or listen or respond. I hope that among those who do read or listen, I positively influence at least one person. That makes everything worthwhile, in my humble opinion.

I see my podcast as a new adventure, a step into the unknown, where I will find my way through the bad times and the good. I promise to keep a positive outlook and focus on Kindness. The internet is too crowded with people who complain but have no solutions beyond cheap slogans. I want no part of that environment. Whatever troubles I share, it will be with the lessons I learned from patience and Kindness.

I still have my insecurities. I am getting a new camera to add an occasional video, but I dislike being on camera. I’m afraid I’ll break the lens. I don’t have a healthy sense of my appearance. One of my personal goals is to overcome that insecurity. Since this is a lifelong problem, I can’t solve it overnight. I’ll keep working on my self-confidence until I am ready to appear on camera.

In the meantime, life goes on, and I’m happy with my life. My therapist helped me confront some demons in my life so I could conquer them, and that is what I’m doing one day at a time.