My Ever-Changing Writing Process

My Ever-Changing Writing Process
Photo by Nick Morrison / Unsplash

Once again, I had to stop writing on my iPhone. I always fall back into that nasty habit but only blame myself. With everything going on last month, my room became disorganized, and I always needed more motivation to keep my desktop free of accumulating junk.
I change my writing routine regularly. I know that people say this isn't a good idea, but it helps me and keeps me on my toes regarding writing. I need my brain cage rattled now and then as I try to manage the backlog of stories I have. I got lazy, and the backlog doubled the amount I wanted to work with. Sometimes, I start a story, intending to finish it later, and forget about it. My backlog grows, so when I review things, if there isn't much more than a title with a few bullet points, I delete it.
I still need to work on my relationship with Medium between my writing activities at home. Even after becoming an F.O.M., I still haven't found that magic formula, that elusive viral post that will send my meager earnings through the roof. My instinct tells me that I need to improve my storytelling abilities to compete with all of the great writers on Medium. Easier said than done. I have never made more than $6 a month, and my confidence drops each time I check my statistics at the end of the month.
I'm not giving up on writing. Whether or not I make any money at it, it is still therapeutic for me in many ways and helps me get through difficult and good days. Eventually, I will find something to write about that others can relate to successfully.
So, I got my desktop cleared off for now and can write comfortably. Since I spend so much time here in the apartment, I could put it to good use and relax while I register with my music in the background. My desk is the space I created specifically for writing; I need to use it daily.
I got an email about a local writers' workshop that I might check out. I would like to know what it would be like to be surrounded by other creative people, some of whom can inspire me on my journey. As our lives slowly unwind after a hectic February, I can find the time to devote to my interests again. I need this time for myself.
I must finally start taking time for myself. I spent so much time and effort ensuring everything was perfect for Hal and Phyllis that I neglected my needs. With warm weather right around the corner, I will focus on myself, with Hal included. Making a change will spur my writing creativity as well.
Another thing that I need to do is to find a good counselor/therapist. The one that I used last year didn't work out for me. She was more interested in prescribing medication than in helping me understand my feelings and emotions. After that, I lost confidence in her and finally announced that I would not see her again. While her initial diagnosis and medication did help me, every subsequent visit was about trying some new medicine that Medicaid didn't cover. I must find someone I can talk to, not someone who talks at me.
I am working on photography and learning new tools to help stimulate my mind and imagination. I bought a drone after years of longing for one. I will set it up when the weather improves and start learning to fly it. I predict several adventures as I know; I will post those online in some form as I create. I am going to force myself to focus on building my podcast again. I tried in the past but never succeeded; this is my chance to get it up and running. I need to challenge myself. I have been idle for too long, and that must change. I am the only person who can make the change, so wish me luck.
Be kind to each other.