Must Be Monday

Must Be Monday
Photo by Laura Chouette / Unsplash

I woke up in the middle of the night because of low blood sugar. This happens to me occasionally and I know how to quickly deal with it after so many years. 

The news wasn’t all bad though because while I was awake I found that one of my followers left me a kind comment about my story yesterday. For some reason, I felt like I was on the right track with this new writing approach. I’m grateful for any interaction on my website as I try to get more followers and more feedback. 

While I was awake, I saw that the weather said we had snow. Just enough to coat the grass. 


I’m glad about that because Hal and I had to go out in the morning to our new doctor for our first appointment. 

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get back to sleep but it isn’t the first time that has happened to me. I started my daily blog, which you’re reading right now, to keep myself occupied. 

New Doctor

I was pleasantly surprised when we got to the doctor’s office and was actually called back to the exam room right away. This never happened before. The only disappointment was that Hal and I were the only people in the waiting room wearing masks, but sadly, that seems to be the norm these days. 

The new doctor recommended that I don’t need to continue seeing so many specialists, which is a great thing to hear from any doctor. I set up my next appointment for January. 

Speaking of new Doctors, I watched the second of three Doctor Who episodes on Disney+ last night. There is one more to go before the newest Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa takes over. I’m looking forward to new adventures because I’ve loved the show for 50 years. 

I finally got back to the kitchen this afternoon and prepared some salmon burgers for dinner along with mashed potatoes. If there’s one kitchen chore I hate, it is peeling potatoes, but it is necessary. 

The snow is completely gone now, but it will stay cold and clear this week. Good time to stay at home.