More Unsettling News Just In Time For The Holidays

More Unsettling News Just In Time For The Holidays
Photo by Matt Popovich / Unsplash

It never fails that something negative and unsettling happens around the start of the holiday season. 2023 is no exception as the news breaks about a “suspicious” vehicle accident at a US-Canada border crossing in Niagara Falls, NY/ONT. While everyone is allegedly still gathering facts about the event, the so-called news media is wetting themselves as they ramp up the “crisis” coverage and give vent to conspiracy theorists in the false equivalency game of being “fair and balanced.”

I suspect that some of the wealthiest people are the panels of so-called “experts” who magically appear whenever something like this happens. They fill what should be the time spent obtaining facts by spewing their opinions about whatever the hell they can reasonably justify without evidence. This rush to a pre-determined conclusion further erodes my trust in news media as they keep pushing an agenda on us. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the direction in which we are being herded like cattle. The clear objective is to keep as many people living in abject fear as they possibly can. 

A key to this approach is to cloud any debate as weakness and naivete while throwing so much infoporn out there that no one can accurately sort through it all. In their bizarre world, questioning anything you are told automatically equates with aid and comfort to some “enemy” at best, or treason at worst. Of course, the already established lack of any requirements for facts fits this model perfectly. 

This is why I turned the TV off within a minute of hearing about the Niagara Falls incident. I refuse to be led by the nose through a maze of infoporn. Instead, I will wait. I can scan through later to find out if any real facts were uncovered and save myself the unnecessary tension of the masturbating news reports. 

Take a deep breath, count to ten, turn off the news until this evening, and then only subject yourself to small doses grounded in facts, and not fear.