January 5, 2024

January 5, 2024
Photo by Elena Koycheva / Unsplash

Even though I am disabled and Hal is retired, there is still something special about Friday. Everyone seems to be in a better mood with the end of the work week upon us. 

For us, Friday is just another day of the week until we feel that energy that signals the weekend is nearly here. 

This Friday is critical to us. It was 24 years ago that I met Hal. That anniversary happens tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it. I never imagined that I'd find someone that I'd love and cherish for this amount of time. I've known people who are married, straight, heterosexual couples who haven't been able to last this long, so I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. I think Hal does, too, and we've always shared our life with our cats. We've tried to share it with friends, but friends tend to come and go through the years; that's fine. I wish them all nothing but the best.