January 29, 2024

January 29, 2024
I took this picture. It is my property.

Monday started with a trip to BJ’s Wholesale Club, Target, and Roger. We decided to get what we needed in person rather than having them delivered. We made the trip in the middle of the day to avoid crowds, but thankfully, we saw more people wearing masks today than we have in quite a while. 

I got the groceries and bought a new stock pot to boil potatoes. I can keep my promise to cook more at home. Lunch was some chicken and sides I cooked yesterday, which was delicious and didn't cause my blood glucose to spike, and that's always a good thing. 

Our day was relatively uneventful, even by our modest standards. We have a clear calendar for tomorrow to play things by ear. If we stay home, I can catch up with some writing that isn't a part of this daily blog. I've learned to take my time with my stories so that they are more readable. I've not published that elusive viral story yet, but I'll keep trying. 

As long as my day doesn't contain any Taylor Swift nonsense, I'll be fine. It's a good thing that I seldom watch TV anymore. I haven't watched the news in months. I would instead read what is happening instead of having infoporn shoved down my throat in 30-second sound bites. I spent too much of my life trying to keep up with everything. Now it’s time for me to relax and enjoy life.