January 30, 2024

January 30, 2024

I had a terrible night trying to sleep. I had a hypoglycemia episode that kept me awake until nearly 0400. After falling asleep, I slept until 1200, so I got plenty of rest, but my daily schedule is all messed up now. Thankfully, there is nothing pressing today, so I can try to recover and make sure that I maintain my blood glucose levels throughout the day and get to bed at a reasonable time tonight.

I had a great lunch from the food I cooked the other day, and then I started writing this story for my website and Medium. Hal is taking a nap right now, and I don't want to disturb him with the TV, although there isn't anything worth watching anyway. We only need a quick trip to Kroger today, and that will take care of all our business. I need to get more small bottles of orange juice for my diabetes in case my blood sugar runs low.

I feel good about keeping my writing promise to myself. I am writing this on my iPad with the keyboard instead of struggling to write on the iPhone. Typing this way is so much easier, and I don't have to worry about seeing the screen as much. I am more relaxed this way with a keyboard in front of me. My focus is also sharper when I sit down specifically to write a story at the table.

My overall health is good, even with the blood glucose issues resulting from reducing my insulin dosage and cutting back on how much I eat. I wrote a story about cutting back on my insulin back in 2022, but I stopped doing that, and I shouldn't have.

Just a little dose
Life as a person with diabetes can be challenging at times. On days or nights when my blood sugar goes high, the temptation to take a big…

I spent the afternoon in the kitchen again, boiling and mashing potatoes instead of the instant variety I had to make the other day. Spending time in the kitchen is a joy when there isn't much else to do. I retreated to the dining room/kitchen table to write this, knowing this was as busy as I needed to be.

The sun streaming through the window convinces me that this is the place I love.

I am happy once again. My journey through my 60th year continues, but I don't feel that old. I hope I never lose this feeling, no matter how old I am.

Hal and I spent a lovely evening at home and finally watched the movie "Chicago" for the first time. The movie was. It's better than either of us expected.

Life is good. Be kind to one another.