January 28, 2024

January 28, 2024

January 28, 2024

Today is Sunday, so it's time to get into the kitchen and start cooking. I've been lax with my cooking recently, and I need to start preparing our meals at home to save money.

I want to cook some chicken breasts and mashed potatoes during the day. There are some side dishes that I can make later, but I would like these two things prepared first. The potatoes will take the most time, but it won't be any problem. I also have some frozen pork chops next on my cooking list after we finish with the chicken breasts.

It seems that every time I get into the cooking habit, it lasts for a week or two, and then I fall out of the habit and have to start all over again. I want this time to be different. I don't want to lapse. I want to stick to my commitment. I must focus on where my energy should be because my mind is nowhere near as sharp as it used to be.

I managed to get enough done to call today a success. I will finish things tomorrow and then focus on the new things I must do. Unfortunately, the potatoes had been in storage here for too long and were spoiled/mushy, so I made instant potatoes instead. I will order a small bag of potatoes from Kroger for delivery when we place our next order. Grocery delivery is so convenient for us. We did get into the habit of ordering groceries during the height of the pandemic, and we have used it periodically ever since. With the increase in COVID cases, it is safer to order once again. I prefer ordering groceries to ordering dinner.

Everything else is all set for dinner, and I am glad I got as much accomplished as I did. I got tired in the kitchen, which is typical for me now. Once I pass 10-15 minutes on my feet, I need a break to sit down and recover.

Dinner was delicious: 1/2 chicken breast, mashed potatoes, green beans, and onion slices. I can still cook with the best! Like I said, I must stay focused and cook more often instead of ordering food.

I made sure that I put some frozen pork chops in the refrigerator to thaw out so they would be ready in a few days when the chicken is all gone. We also have frozen salmon burgers that I can cook at any time. Once I get the new bag of potatoes, I can cook and mash them for future use.

We haven't made any plans for the upcoming week that I know of right now, but after checking the calendar, I noted that I have to take Hal to the doctor on Thursday morning. It feels good to look at a calendar and know it isn't overflowing with things to do. That means I have time to cook and no excuse not to do it.

I am incredibly pleased with how today turned out. I need to take the time to appreciate the little things more often and live in the moment. I have a wonderful life and am incredibly grateful for everything we have here.

As evening arrived, I sat down to watch football, although I was not as interested as I used to be. I never ranted. When a team I wanted to win ended up losing, that was never my style. I enjoy watching the game and hope that it is entertaining.

That wraps up my somewhat exciting day. Be kind to each other.