January 27, 2024

January 27, 2024
I took this picture. It is my property.

After a good night's sleep, I'm ready for an adventure today. The first step is preparing Hal so we can get out of here and go somewhere. The longer I'm stuck here, the less likely we will go anywhere.

Until we go anywhere, I will write to avoid wasting any time. Thankfully, my iPad is nearby, so I can prevent my unhealthy habit of writing these daily posts on my iPhone, which does my eyes no good. I always chastise myself when I start writing on the iPhone because I seldom have the willpower to stop. I keep typing p9ng away without stopping. If I ever want to be a better writer, I need to care as much about how I write as what I write.

I still daydream of sitting in a coffee shop with Hal, writing on my iPad like a professional writer. The problem is, I'm not too fond of coffee, and there isn't a coffee shop nearby. The only drawback to that dream scenario is that I make so many. Istakes when I type, and I have to go back and let Grammarly unfuck my mistakes, and that can be a pain. Occasionally, I surprise myself and complete a few sentences or paragraphs without an error. I don't care.

Regardless of the mistakes when I type, I still love writing. Writing frees my mind of the everyday stuff we all deal with, and I feel free to be creative and embrace life. Even writing this story has relaxed me; I have already blown through so many words. Yes, I count my words as I type because I want to write a story that isn't too short. It is still up to me to write something that interests a reader other than myself.

When I feel the need to write, it is a feeling that I cannot explain adequately. It is like an addiction that I cannot break, and let's face it. Writing is not a terrible addiction when you think of all the other things that can bother you.

I always find little things that affect my writing. The latest is the chance to let AI write or "improve" my writing after I finish it. The temptation is great, but I'm not in college anymore, and this story isn't submitted for a grade. I'll let Grammarly correct what I wrote instead of rewriting everything. My one complaint about Grammarly is that, for some reason, the usual correction features don't work when typing on an iPad keyboard instead of on the iPad screen. I wish Grammarly would fix that issue.

Time has passed, and we are no closer to going out than before. I won't bother Hal because I won't force him to if he doesn't want to go out. In the long term, staying home saves money, but it can get dull after several days. I am not disappointed when we don't go out like in the past. I suppose it is just a part of growing older.

We did go out and had a wonderful time. The rain held off until after we got home, and the evening was quiet and relaxing at home for us. Tomorrow will be another adventure, or at least an adventure as far as we are concerned.