January 18, 2024

January 18, 2024
This is my own personal photo

I had a tough time sleeping last night. It's probably because I always stay up too late for no good reason. I finally woke up feeling awful, but our weekly visit with the Chiropractor made me feel much better. Now, I want to try and get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight.

Since refusing to nap, I decided to work on my password manager software because I always forget to update it to the latest version. Everything should be fine now; that is one more task off my to-do list for the week. I'm progressing with my objectives and keeping up with my writing. I even managed to sit and compose this entry on the Mac instead of on the iPhone or iPad, which is much better.

I had an excellent comment from a Medium acquaintance today. He suggested a book about writing, and I told him I was already reading a different book about the practice and discipline of writing. I took a picture of the book I was reading, the image at the top of my story. I have gotten a lot from this book. I hope that he decides to follow me on my website, www.dreamersreadyroom.com, because I can use a few new followers :) I genuinely enjoy his postings and stories because they make me realize I am not alone here.

My meditation practice continues, and I noticed an improvement if I use my stones or at least have one of them close at hand while I concentrate. I sound like a Wiccan convert, but I don't place any religious properties on the stones. I find that they help me focus better.

I'm making lasagna for dinner tonight, and I hope everything turns out well. There is a nasty rumor that we might get snow tomorrow; I hope not. Since my birthday (60) is on Saturday, I hope the weather can stay nice until then at least. I wonder where all the years have gone. Getting older isn't all it's cracked up to be 🙍‍♂️ Hal will take me out for a nice birthday dinner on Saturday, but I don't want any gifts because we have each other, and that is more than enough for me.

If things go well this weekend, I can try to get my vlog off the ground again next week. I will go back to the basics and do plenty of audio testing before the show is ready for the world, but I have plenty of time on my hands, and I need an excuse to stay busy with something productive.

I'm hoping that Hal will take me to the local Indian restaurant for my birthday. I could really use some onion kolcha, veggie stew, and some chicken curry with rice from their buffet to make my birthday memorable. If that isn't available, I would settle for Sakura for dinner. I wrote earlier that everything depends on the weather. My combat driving days are over, especially in the winter.

Well, it is bedtime and all is well here.

Be kind to each other. ☮️