I've had enough
I deliberately stopped writing over the last several days because I was too exhausted from this election and wanted some peace. I turned to my meditation to erase my stress, and it worked. I felt like I would erupt from all the bad news and the screaming about the election. I am usually a political animal, but this election cycle has lasted far too long and produced nothing of real substance. I understand the threat to our nation posed by Republican Nazis, but I feel disappointed that the Democrats waited until the last minute to focus on what was right in front of their faces the whole time. Fascism is not to be ignored because it is a dangerous threat to our nation.
When I got back into my meditation, I found peace for myself. I learned how to calm my anxiety and focus on myself while letting the world and its troubles flow around me as the stream flows around the rock. Within ten minutes, I relaxed and left, like writing at last. I am content and have done all I could for this election. Now, it is time for our collective voices to make a difference.
I will watch the election results this evening, but I am already prepared for the outcome, whatever that might be. I hope that I will be extremely happy, but people have demonstrated that they can be idiots at times. I won't be able to change the result; I have to live with them. There might be significant adjustments, but I will make them so Hal and I can continue to be happy together. I want to keep my inner peace intact after this is all over, but I know that will be an everyday struggle because meditation only works when you continue to practice every day.
Hal and I might go out today to avoid the wall-to-wall screaming from the media. I hope that there is no violence, but if there is, I hope that the terrorists are dealt with swiftly and harshly. I'm afraid that there are some seriously disturbed people out there who Republican Nazis have brainwashed; there have been several incidents around the country over the past few weeks of early voting. We are supposed to be the model for free and fair elections, but too many people have lost faith in the process, and that is a shame because we cannot correct it overnight.
When I began meditation this morning, I felt anxious and irritated about everything, but now I feel calm and relaxed. I use the Headspace app, and I recommend trying it to help you learn meditation and get in touch with yourself. It is a treasure trove of meditation practices, calming exercises, and sleep therapy. I prefer it to the more popular Calm app, but that is a personal preference. Either one will help you get through the day more easily. You will thank yourself for trying it.
I predict that Karma Cat and I will commune a lot throughout the day. He is my rock, so to speak, because he is always the same, just as I strive to be. Nothing phases him; he is always at peace, along with my Peanuts friends on the calendar. I find inspiration from these small things when I feel down and lost. They are unmoving and always project a sense of calm when I need it most. I learned through meditation that there are small things that one can focus on to relieve stress and anxiety that happen every day.
Metaphorically and meteorologically, the fog has lifted today. This morning, I couldn't see the following apartment buildings through thick fog, but now the sun is shining brightly. Considering everything I mentioned in this post, I see that as an omen for the day. I live my life for Hal, our cats, and me. The outside world has its place, and that is outside.