I'm past mad, now I feel pity for those who believe anything Trump says. And there is no excuse for violence on either side.

I'm past mad, now I feel pity for those who believe anything Trump says. And there is no excuse for violence on either side.
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Bomb threats force second consecutive day of school closures in Springfield, Ohio
Several local leaders have also been targeted in the wake of baseless claims aimed at Haitian immigrants that have been repeated by former President Donald Trump.

Getting mad does no good. Anger just leads to destruction from within. I managed to stop myself before I was too far gone to recover. When I hear whatever the latest toxic lies are uttered by tRUMP, I know that almost immediately, some poor, misguided people will take those lies to heart. Unfortunately, many of them allow their gullible nature to try and act on those lies, just like we're witnessing in Springfield, Ohio.

tRUMP says that millions of illegal immigrants are killing and eating peoples’ pets. Just stop and let that sink in for a minute. Can you give that statement any actual credibility? He believes that there is some vast network of people actually killing and eating peoples’ pets, but where is the evidence? I feel sorry for the people who actually believe this when they hear it. I even feel worried for those who want to lash out at immigrants because they believe it is true.

I have interacted with several tRUMP supporters. I recognize them because they repeat the ridiculous things he says and try to start the argument that they alone are the people aware of some vast hidden conspiracy. This is, of course, ridiculous.

It is no coincidence that the tRUMP supporters crawling out from under their rocks have profiles containing nothing, and most of those have never written anything themselves. Instead, they parrot right-wing conspiracy theories.

Their arguments consist of juvenile attempts at creating false equivalencies between their conspiratorial beliefs and actual facts. Stupidity is not a valid point of view; it is an incredibly dangerous philosophical basis on which to govern a nation.

Kristi Noem kills her dog, and no outrage from Republicans about her or the people of South Dakota makes me wonder why that is. I think that the truth is right there in black and white.

And now the violence continues. Just so people think I am totally one-sided about things, Read this:

Trump safe after gunshots in his vicinity at golf course; one person detained
The former president was on the golf course and was immediately rushed to safety on Sunday, his campaign said in a statement. It is still unconfirmed if shots were fired.

There is no reason for things like this to happen. The extremist behavior has got to STOP! Instigation from one side is unacceptable, and neither is instigation from the other. I already posted about gun violence, so I won't go into that again here because there is no reason that a civilized nation should suffer from these terrorist incidents.