“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” Douglas Adams

“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” Douglas Adams
I took this picture. It is my property.

Douglas Adams is one of my favorite authors. The quote in the title inspired me. I gave up on trying to produce a story every day. That was more like work than pleasure, and I don't want to reduce my sometimes readable writing to a job. I generate ideas randomly, and the spontaneous approach makes me happy. Then, the late, great Douglas Adams quote flashed into my memory when I sat down and wondered what I should write about. 

I suspect this story will take a while, but I won't rush it because I value quality over quantity. My endless pursuit of that elusive viral story taught me that generating tons of stories doesn't work for me. I must write at my own pace, taking time to get things right first. 

I must first admit that I am the only person responsible for not discovering my writing niche, or at least the one that makes me any money. When I started writing on Medium, I promised myself that I wouldn't take things too seriously, and I mean that in several ways. I don't sweat my views or earnings. I only check them at the end of the month. I don't want to be desperately seeking attention daily. Secondly, like many great writers, I need more time to dedicate to it. I value their support and friendship, but things stay the same until my writing warrants investing more time and effort. 

I paused my writing for several hours because I went to Physical Therapy for help with the dizziness that affects me every day. I will see the neurologist late in the summer, so I expect the physical therapy sessions to continue until then. I'll keep doing what my therapist asks me to do between sessions. The exercises give me something to focus on each day. Those exercises exemplify meaningful deadlines because I see the benefits of following them.

Overall, I ignored writing deadlines because they were not doing me any good. I appreciate the followers and comments on my stories, but I cannot write for other people at this point in my life. I must write to fulfill my needs and enjoy my work. I hope to bring joy to my followers. I also hope that more of my followers will follow my website at www.dreamersreadyroom.com, which I am developing. I don't charge for any followers, and the stories you see on Medium are now the ones you see. I publish my work to my website first, so ownership is not questioned. I will eventually publish original stories strictly on my website if I gain enough followers there, but since it is free, there is no pressure on the members.

Until I find my niche, I will write when the urge strikes. My life and time are just as valuable as anyone else’s, and I don't want to publish meaningless drivel and claim that it is quality work. With my trusted Grammarly, I will get things done in my own time and let the results be what they may be.

This is the latest in a series of writing manifestos, so it seems. I keep reminding myself that Kindness begins at home, and I must treat myself with kindness if I want to transfer that feeling to others and inspire them. I believe that writing should focus more on reality and positivity. There is already too much out there written in anger and negativity. I don't want to add to the poisonous atmosphere if I can possibly avoid it. 

I still struggle to find my writing niche. Perhaps the personal narrative style isn't the right one for me, but it's what I have to do for now. Occasionally, I find inspiration and write a story like https://www.dreamersreadyroom.com/sitting-under-a-tree-in-greece/, which I thoroughly enjoyed writing because it takes me back to my younger days. I might try more recollections for some future stories. A similar writing story comes to mind, so I'll start working on that, but without a deadline to think about. 

Be kind to each other.