I Just Don’t Care Anymore

I Just Don’t Care Anymore
Photo by Varun Gaba / Unsplash

Every day, the situation gets worse and worse. People have become nothing more than loudspeakers for the hatred that is consuming our nation. The art of communication is vanishing right before our eyes, but we act like we're powerless to stop it. That sums up how I feel. I see the torrent of negativity on Medium, and I doubt that anything I might say will make the slightest bit of difference.

There are so few people who are genuinely interested in other people. Learning about new things now seems like a treasonous act in the eyes of so many people who want everything to be exactly the way they want all the time.

This phenomenon isn't uniquely American, but we do seem to be leading the way, unfortunately. The rest of the world is catching on to this disturbing trend, which only shows signs of growing stronger as time passes. Everyone is being trained to identify “others” who, because they are different, must automatically pose some kind of threat to the existing order.

Unfortunately, people now consider their own particular existing order to be the right and only one, excluding everything and everyone else. Therefore, there is no more exchange of ideas, just shouting matches that would embarrass a junior high debate team. 

I'm tired. Everyone has to be right 100% of the time, so any variation of opinion is unacceptable to them. What is 

the point of all of this? I wish I knew. I try to stay clear of the madness, but exposure to it wears me out. Why can't we be kind to one another? Why does everyone we meet have to pass some ideological purity litmus test? 

I've reached the point where I don't care anymore. This isn't about me being right, it's about the intolerance that is poisoning our nation. 

Be kind to one another.