Football at last!

Football at last!
Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 / Unsplash

I have waited all summer for college football to return. Baseball, which I used to love, now seems so boring that it is unwatchable. I remember my days at the University of Kentucky when I was in the marching band and we rehearsed all through August to prepare for the season opener. The hot summer days on the practice field that we went through so that we would get to the football games for free.

I know college football isn't like it used to be, but I am not disappointed or upset. The players have been exploited for so long that it is time for them to hold the power since they generate the precious revenue that is what college football is about. I'm afraid I have to disagree with people who claim they'll no longer watch because the "game has been ruined." That is their opinion, and they are entitled to it.

I'm older, so I enjoy watching the games here at home from my recliner. The only thing missing from the stereotypical American male watching football is that I don't have any beers around since I don't drink. I never played organized football, just the backyard variety, because I was into music then. However, that doesn't distract from my love and enthusiasm for the game. My only concern is that no player gets seriously injured.

Since we have YouTubeTV, I can watch multiple games simultaneously and enjoy that setup. My only gripe is the political commercials. Can't we have one peaceful day without the BS political stuff? If I had the option, I would pay extra to block all commercials.

I'm watching the early games because UK doesn't play until this evening. I will let my mind drift back to the exciting days and nights at Commonwealth Stadium, now called Kroger Field, and remember my college friends and the fun times we had together, with memories of a time when I never thought about being disabled, a time when the world was wide open and full of opportunities.

A few taped performances of the UK Marching Band from my time there are available. Here is one of my favorites: this is when we traveled to Georgia to play UGA.

Anyway, I just wanted to write a quick story for today. I'll be here watching football all day and night.

Be kind to each other.