Everyday Is A New Journey

Everyday Is A New Journey
Photo by Mantas Hesthaven / Unsplash

I am grateful for each day. When I wake up, I marvel at the promise of each new day. The first thing I do as I brush the sleep out of my eyes is to open the window blinds and see what the outside world looks like. Is it bright and sunny? Or is it cloudy and dark? It doesn't bother me either way anymore. Being disabled and unable to work gives me the luxury of perspective first thing in the morning. 

Sometimes, I just lay in bed and contemplate going back to sleep if I can, but there are other days when I immediately head to the bathroom and jump into a nice hot shower. I know this all sounds terribly mundane and boring, but writing about it soothes that inner demon that is always trying to express itself in words. 

As always, I have an ever-growing backlog of stories and ideas for stories that I keep filed away. What I'm writing now is, at this point, just another random stream-of-consciousness item that may grow into a story later on with a bit of encouragement and editing. I never try predicting how long a partial story might linger in my backlog before it matures or gets discarded. 

There are days when I do wake up already feeling exhausted. This usually happens after a night when my blood sugar goes low, and I have to take glucose to get it back to normal. Days like that disappoint me, but they don't ruin my mood for long. I've learned to see those days as a sign that I just need more rest, so I adjust my expectations. Those days are just as precious to me as any others. It's all in how one looks at the world and reacts to it. 

Much like my expectations for my writing, I don't stress statistics or the number of followers I have, and I don't set unreasonable daily goals. Living in the moment is the key to peace and serenity.