Endless Campaigns

Endless Campaigns
Photo by Jeff James / Unsplash

I deleted every news app last night before I went to the hospital. I didn't plan the hospital trip, but I was glad I took that step. I used to be an information junkie, the news fascinated me, but the longer I observed the news, the more I realized that the media was scamming us.
We no longer have an independent Fourth Estate. Our corporate machine determines what we see and how it is presented. Citizens are no longer making up their own minds based on objective facts. Instead, they attempt to do that task with subjective opinions masquerading as news and factual information. I tried to get my information from various sources, mainly newspapers rather than broadcast media. Still, that effort failed when the print media began overcovering the never-ending campaign cycle without daring to tell the truth.
Opinions morphed into alleged facts that people ran with. Stupidity became a valid opinion and a governing philosophy for the Republican Party. The media refused to call these issues out and address them forcefully. Instead, they attempted to treat stupidity as a valid point of view. Objectivity died in the media, and in most other forms of journalism as well, because the purpose of the media switched from informing the public to generating money and manipulating public opinion on the issues.
In the twenty-first century, we have devolved as a society. Ignorance is celebrated every day. Science and education are ridiculed in the name of religion and what amounts to Nazism or Fascism. Even the media will not stop the insanity and cell out those liars in power who interfere with their profit-driven bottom line for their own corporate masters.
The latest shitstorm started immediately after the 2022 election, which was a continuation of the fucking insanity of the 2020 campaign. It never ends; the artificial divisions that those in power created are glorified and celebrated because they keep our focus away from the truth that our country is sliding into Fascism right in front of our eyes. We have eight more months of this bullshit, and that is just for this election cycle. Mark my words; the day after Election Day, the fucking stupidity will start all over again.
We will get the same tired stories from the same talking heads and worse from the online pundits, most of whom believe they are Jon Stewart or Dennis Miller, only without education. They are sad little venomous toads living in their Mom's basement and pretending to be important.
I don't pay attention anymore. Republicans are Nazis, Democrats are spineless, and that's all I need to know.
Be kind to each other.