Dysfunctional Is The New Normal

Dysfunctional Is The New Normal
Photo by Heather Mount / Unsplash

Republicans love to tell everyone how they are completely opposed to Communism and Fascism, that they stand for law and order over chaos, yet behave like spoiled children when they don’t get everything they want. Republicans today follow Lenin’s idea about a small group leading others. I predict that the republican revolutionaries will lead their followers to ruin just like Lenin did.
The other alarming aspect of the republicans today is their similar beliefs to the Nazis in Germany.

Seeing the similarities should set off alarm bells, but we are supposed to be too polite to use the term “Nazi” even when we are slapped in the face with it. Republicans have changed into something they once claimed to despise: an Authoritarian party obsessed with aging power by any means necessary and refusing to accept the results of legitimate elections when they lose. Republicans cannot actually govern in a democracy because they believe only in their own power and seek to discredit anyone who disagrees with them.
I try to live a life ruled by Kindness, but I cannot agree to support any of today’s Republicans. Their actions are the absolute antithesis of Kindness.

There can be no compromise with today’s GOP; their extreme views prevent them from compromising for the public good. Even today, the nation is hurtling toward yet another Republican-led government shutdown because a handful of extremists seem more interested in damaging the country to demonstrate how important and influential they think they are. The other republicans who don’t publicly identify with their Nazi brethren yet, do nothing to stop them. They have an alleged leader who cannot lead because he gave away his authority to his Nazi brethren. This behavior leaves no doubt in my mind that today’s Republicans are determined to destroy America to try to rebuild it to match their own weird, warped, and intolerant points of view.

These Republicans find more in common with Vladimir Putin than their fellow Americans. The astroturf republican organizations such as the group “Moms For Liberty,” a turn of phrase that would make Orwell proud, quite Nazis in their crazed desire to eliminate books, if not burn them.
Again, I cannot justify my path of Kindness with the beliefs and actions of these people.

Republicans have chosen party over country. They are willing to destroy instead of working to create and strengthen. Ask yourself what the Republicans have accomplished just in the past two years. Nothing comes to mind except discussing impeachment and threatening to shut down the government.
I find it very interesting that the Republicans in Congress and the Senate will continue to get paid if they shut down the government. Hypocrites are difficult to reason with. Like tiny, spoiled children, they must be told “NO” when they are wrong. For some unknown reason, there aren’t enough adults in Congress to shut the republican lunatics down so they cannot wreck everything they see.

What we have now is a clear case of Lunatics running the asylum


If Republicans want to shut down the government, let them, but the first thing to stop should be their paychecks. Instead, the hypocrites will continue to collect nearly $200K for wrecking the country. This is a bizarro world thing.