August 05, 2024 - The new journey begins

Photo taken by the author

 Sheryl Crow had a hit song back in the 90s with the lyrics, “Every day is a winding road. I get a little bit closer to feeling fine.” Those words perfectly describe how I approach my life now. Each day represents new opportunities for self-improvement and self-reflection. 

I’m learning to see the little miracles around me rather than speeding towards some unknown destination. I think carefully before making decisions now because I recognize that I’m the person in control of my life. Other people only have as much influence as I choose to give them. 

I went to my local writing group Monday morning but was guarded about the changes I’ve experienced. It seems odd, but I prefer writing about this now instead of talking to people about it. I suppose it is because I take the time to choose my words carefully instead of just blurting things out and then rambling on. 

I decided to focus on something small that caught my attention and then write about it. I’m tired of baring my soul right now. I need random and pleasant things to write about as I continue my journey. 

This morning, I attended my local writers’ group at the neighborhood Starbucks (they are everywhere). I was still deciding about a specific topic, but I didn’t feel any rush to decide. Something will catch my attention as the day progresses, which will work into this blog post.

As the writers’ group started, I noticed how many others showed up at Starbucks to work on their laptops. Of course, some people perform their jobs, but I suspect many are creative souls like ourselves, searching for inspiration or caffeine. I forgot my AirPods this morning and immediately noticed a guy with his AirPods Max on his head. I felt like a fool for forgetting mine.

Do creative people sometimes feel a need to be around others like themselves? Most people associate writers with lonely people sitting in a cluttered room hopelessly typing away, but I don’t feel that I am that way. I can write when it is quiet, but there are times when I need to be connected with other creative people because we feed off each others’ energy and all prosper.

My attention was caught watching people come in and out of Starbucks. It is fascinating to watch people determine what they are doing besides getting coffee and then attempt to create a story around them. Most days that works, but today, I am not feeling that particular vibe, so I will keep passively searching for that elusive topic. Perhaps the early morning meeting isn’t the best place to decide on a subject other than the meeting itself.

Regardless, I am proud of myself for writing almost a third of my goal in less than 20 minutes. This is a record for me. I want to write for at least an hour each day, but the idea of a specific time doesn’t appeal to me. I prefer to face the spontaneous aspect of life head-on.

After finishing a significant blog post last night, I am so happy this morning. The adrenaline and thrill haven’t worn off yet. I want to apply the lessons learned to my everyday life from now on. I won’t focus on negative things unless I can balance them with a positive counterpoint to help keep me grounded and away from the despair that I used to experience.

An example is the surge of positivity with the Harris for POTUS campaign. I haven’t been this excited since Bernie ran and then got kneecapped by the Democratic Party leadership. Kamala brings a new positive and forceful energy to the race, as opposed to President Biden, who, despite his accomplishments, just failed to inspire any excitement in me.

Of course, the media cannot ignore this positive message. I saw a headline about fears of stocks falling and a recession around the corner. The press wants something negative to counterbalance the good news about Kamala. Of course, the corporate heads of the networks are all Trump supporters, so I’m not surprised at their behavior. I choose to focus on the good things about Kamala instead of the negative stuff about Trump or the panic stories from the media. I am immune to that trick now.

I will do everything I can to remind others to vote, especially for Harris, but to vote nevertheless because we all have a stake in this election and the future of our nation. The contrast couldn’t be more apparent. We have too much to lose through apathy this time.

I also love Kamala because we are approximately the same age, and I have felt for years that we need a new generation of leadership instead of the same old faces time after time. Although people point out that Bernie was old, I still felt that he was a young soul in an older body; he had boundless energy that Biden and Trump both lacked. In addition, Trump lacks any maturity or a moral compass except to profit for himself and prevent punishment for his criminal activities.

I am proud of myself for that last paragraph. I avoided negative aspects, expressed myself without undue emotionalism, and the words contained substance. That paragraph may be the inspiration that I was looking for all morning.

Later in the day, I took pictures to spark more creativity. Taking a few photos each day or reviewing the ones I already have can make writing much easier as a regular exercise. 

Photo taken by the author

The picture I started with was taken a few weeks ago, and it shows two of our cats in an adorable pose that illustrates that we all need someone to lean on. It’s another excellent song, by the way. I never thought that I would capture a picture like this at home, but I am so fortunate that I did. Pets have a loving nature that people can learn from. Pets are perhaps too trusting at times, and people can be as well, but unfortunately, people are often not trusting enough. Hal and I love our cats like children, and they repay us with scenes like this. We have always had cats with us, and our lives are more prosperous. 

Who can not feel better when looking down and seeing a face like this looking up at you? I captured this photo of Jordan the other day, and it is another one I have in the library that just purred for attention once I started looking through my photo collection. Pets make the world better; change my mind. They seem to know when we need a cuddle or some attention, even if we don’t realize it ourselves.

Photo taken by the author

Jordan is the youngest cat. He adopted us while visiting the local animal shelter. Without coaxing, he walked out of his cage and onto my shoulders. We took him home that day after the mandatory paperwork, which is accessible at the animal shelter. Sadly, many people ignored Jordan because he lost an eye as a young kitten due to an infection. Jordan doesn’t know he only has one eye. He is still an adventurous young cat, not quite a year old, full of energy and enthusiasm. He also makes the other cats act young with his chasing and antics. 

The most fantastic thing about Jordan is that he adjusted well to the other rats. There was no hissing or screaming, which had never happened when we introduced a new cat. They immediately accepted Jordan. And they have all been friends ever since.

I went home and listened to some jazz music because it helped me relax. Music always makes me feel better no matter what happens during the day. I’m glad that I don’t use drugs or alcohol to help me “relax” when I have my music. 

I resumed writing later in the evening to meet my goal of one post per day. It will be a challenge at first, but I know I can do it if I set my mind to the task. A little self-discipline never hurt anyone, especially me, so writing takes priority in my life as my journey of self-discovery continues. My therapist will be proud of me for setting and meeting a positive goal.

Hal and I are homebodies; we seldom go out in the evening and often spend the entire day here at home. The cats keep us company. Hal has his VR headset, and I have my writing, music, and reading to occupy my time. I can sit quietly for hours with a book or my MacBook to connect me to my inner self through reading or writing. As long as the goals are mine and reasonable, nothing stops me from becoming a better writer and person. That is my main goal from now on. I will keep a positive outlook on things and improve myself every chance.

Be kind to each other.