And The Stupidity Just Keeps Getting Worse

And The Stupidity Just Keeps Getting Worse
Photo by Brandi Alexandra / Unsplash

When I woke up Wednesday morning, Hal greeted me with the “news” that House Nazis have decided to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Biden. I consciously tried to avoid the infoporn that the media shovels at us every day, but my serenity was only slightly disturbed by what Hal told me. I immediately put my AirPods in and adjusted the volume so I couldn’t hear the TV. Three years of meditation have trained me to ignore or walk away from meaningless stress.

I dislike the Nazi Republicans and their enablers with a passion, but that passion no longer consumes me with hatred like it did for many years. I used to sit glued to the news programs, convinced that I could solve everything; now, my feelings tend more towards exhaustion and pity because the narrative never changes from those people, and I pity them for their chosen path of ignorance and superstition. They bring their unique brand of hatred to themselves. I can’t help them; I am just an observer of the madness.

All of this observation and reflection sends me deeper into myself. I realize the world is filled with hatred and ignorance, but those are choices, just like my anger from years ago. I believe that the world we live in produces the results we see. People in power have found new and devious ways to keep people so stressed out, feeling so helpless and angry because that makes them easier to control and leads toward their fucked-up plan for power and control.

I chose the path of Kindness. I chose the path of Individuality rather than conformity. I pity the world as it seems hell-bent on its own destruction, led by the followers of hatred, intolerance, and greed led by some manufactured god that they worship.

And so, I sit in the same room with Hal, but we are miles apart. He is caught up in the drama and personalities involved in the impeachment investigation. He isn’t angry; he is fascinated and sees the entire thing as some Greek tragedy. However, I choose not to watch. One reason for my behavior is my lifelong lack of interest in television. I am more comfortable with music or reading than with a device that spews out the bullshit used to condition people to behave in a certain way.

I have learned to look within myself for peace and comfort through Kindness, which I can then project outwards to others around me. By its very nature, Individuality is more of a solitary lifestyle at times. However, I can quickly adapt because Hal and I, although we are different, still deeply love each other. We never criticize one another for our perceived quirks or faults. Instead, we embrace one another because our differences make us stronger together.

And so, the impeachment investigation can ride the greased rails all the way to self-destruction. I’ll make popcorn and enjoy the train wreck from a safe distance. Let the lunatics do their own thing, and life is too precious to waste on Nazis who want to ruin everything that our ancestors fought and died for just so they can “own the libs.” I never want to be caught in that cesspool again.