And the Negativity has Started on Medium

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Personal photo

I haven’t written much on Medium recently. I’ve been under the weather and just lacked the energy and focus that writing requires. Apparently, a lack of activity sets off some algorithm somewhere that opens the floodgates for negativity.

The last several comments made to me have fallen directly into the category of people who believe that the world is somehow better off because of their snarky personal comments. I’ve been working on a story, ironically, about not giving a fuck anymore. It will be ready in the next few days, but I won’t respond directly to misbehaving people. I’ve blocked them, and if necessary, I unfollowed them as well.

It is practically impossible for some people to have differing opinions on anything without their first response being personal attacks. Our nation is full of people like this, for whom everything must be an argument or a chance to show that they haven’t quite mastered the intricacies of the English language or the written word.

I try to practice Kindness, but Kindness does not equate to weakness. I refuse to stoop to the level of name-calling or personal attacks. If I cannot make my point with Kindness, the other person isn’t ready yet.

I hope they get over the anger and the hatred sooner rather than later.

That’s all I wanted to say. Let’s try to keep Medium a welcoming place for everyone.