A Minor Setback

A Minor Setback
Photo by Rob Wicks / Unsplash

I honestly thought I would write more on Friday. I felt great after we visited the chiropractor and then stocked up on necessities at Costco. We had a lovely Chinese lunch and came home. Then I made the mistake of lying on the bed. The next thing I knew, our cat Henry decided to come up and lay on my chest. As I rubbed him, I felt sleep creeping up on me.

Three hours later, I woke up when Henry decided to jump off my chest. Although I needed the sleep, obviously, I couldn't get myself moving in the right direction to restart my day. After all, I had to make dinner and figure out what to cook for tomorrow. I was so foggy that I forgot to sit and write because I convinced myself that I didn't have the time.

So, here I sit on Saturday morning, trying to recapture everything I was itching to say on Friday. Memory isn't always that reliable these days because I'm getting older. I'll come up with something later today, I'm sure.