29 February 2024

29 February 2024
I took this picture. It is my property.

Hurricane Phyllis left town on Tuesday. The fact that I'm only starting to write again today should indicate just how tired Hal and I have been. We love Phyllis, but none of us are getting any younger if you know what I mean. When Phyllis comes back, she needs to stay longer so we don't rush as much. I won't even attempt to recap our adventures. Perhaps that will be another story.

I went to my first physical therapy session yesterday, and they seem to think that I have some neurological damage that affects my balance. I'm coordinating with my doctor to make the necessary appointments over the next few weeks. I want to do whatever is required to deal with the dizzy spells and lack of balance. The new treatment might also help me sleep better.

It feels great to get back to writing again. I missed the time spent alone with my thoughts and the time to sort through them to put a consistent story together. I just didn't have the time, but now things are back to normal around here.