18 February 2024

18 February 2024
I took this picture. It is my property.

Finally, I feel better today. It's not 100%, but it's markedly better than the last few days. My sinuses aren’t congested as severely as they were, so I can breathe better, which helps me feel better. Every year, I go through a phase like this. It usually happens when plants start to bud in the spring, but this year, the symptoms began earlier than ever. I guess it has something to do with climate change. 

As much as I want to go out, I’ll probably stay home and recover today. Hal’s sister arrives on Wednesday, and he is determined to clean every inch of the apartment within an inch of its life before she gets here. I’ll need my strength when she arrives since I’m the chauffeur or the designated driver for her visit since Hal can’t drive. If her last visit was any indication, I will be driving a lot while she’s here. He is getting anxious about her visit, so I'm letting him go through that alone and staying out of his way. I know Hal well enough that his preparation must be perfect in his eyes, not mine. Since I have no family to entertain, it is a moot point for me. I'll help when and if he asks me. When he gets irritable, the best thing I can do is to leave him alone until he sorts things out for himself. He went to take a nap, so I'll let him sleep. 

My blood glucose has returned to the normal range. I’m watching what I eat and how much. The balancing act is more manageable when I feel better. Since Hal is preoccupied, I'll closely track my readings without bothering him. The less insulin I need, the better. 

I went to the kitchen, intent on cooking until another spell of vertigo hit. I decided on a frozen dinner instead because I didn't want to tempt fate and faint while cooking. I don't need to cook much because, by Wednesday, Hal and his sister will go to restaurants almost daily. I offered to cook, but Hal flatly refused, even though that seems part of the natural thing when one has guests. There is still food here, and I can always order something if I want to. Of course, soon after writing that, my blood glucose plummeted after my frozen dinner. I bottomed out at 54, and it took almost an hour to return to normal. 

To keep the peace around here, I'm letting Hal do his thing and staying out of his way. He doesn't need to get upset. I have my writing to keep me busy, and I always have music to relax me. My goal is to keep feeling better after the last several days. 

I decided to go back to bed and write from there, so I will be out of Hals's way altogether. If and when he wants to run errands, I'll be available. 

I decided to order pizza for this evening. I deserve it. 

Be kind to each other.