16 February 2024

16 February 2024
I took this picture. It is my property.

After another night of poor sleep, I feel exhausted when I wake up. I felt cold during the morning, and that’s never a good sign. I stayed home today to rest because the mini refrigerator I ordered arrived. At last, I could put my insulin and some orange juice bottles in the bedroom, which freed up space in the kitchen refrigerator. 

All day long, I thought about how lucky I was. I focus on the positive and try to block out the negative. My meditation focuses on the present because I can’t change the past, and it keeps me calm as the future unfolds. 

Everything went smoothly with unboxing and placing the new mini refrigerator in the bedroom. Hal did the heavy work, as always. I am helpless without him. 

I took this picture. It is my property.

I finally got my referral to a physical therapist associated with the local hospital and my insurance network. My first appointment is just under two weeks away. I hope they can help me with my vertigo issues. My blood sugar was on a roller coaster today. I battled back with my insulin, but it was a struggle dealing with that on top of everything else. 

After we got the refrigerator set up, my blood glucose plummeted again. I had to stop everything and eat a salmon burger. After that, I had a splitting headache. Days like today test my patience and my dedication to kindness. 

I did have a feeling of accomplishment by the end of the day, headaches and all. Hal and I decided to watch an old movie cuddling on the couch for Friday night before bedtime. 

Be kind to each other.