15 February 2024

15 February 2024
I took this picture. It is my property.

I woke today feeling refreshed and slightly melancholy after yesterday's terrible incident in Kansas City. As a nation, we have gone off the rails and are hurtling towards disaster. I don't attribute this to any imaginary god. Instead, it is a reflection of how selfish we have become. If that matters, we no longer care about each other beyond the immediate family. 

As a society, we suffer from a lack of kindness and compassion for each other. Everything is about greed; someone else is automatically deprived if I get something. This is true in the context of some material possessions, but it doesn't apply to everything. We need to stop the greed that is poisoning our society. 

Today was simply a whirlwind of random events and a rapidly growing sense of exhaustion that replaced the energy I felt earlier. Perhaps I’m tired of all the violence and hatred, and they’re affecting me more than I realized. 

I think it’s time for a hefty dose of FUKITOL to close out the day here. 

Unsplash photo courtesy of Giorgio Trovato

Be kind to each other.