12 February 2024

12 February 2024

I endured another Super Bowl last night. When I say endured, I mean I did not watch a single commercial or any of the endless pre-and-post-game nonsense. I glanced up occasionally at the muted TV to see if, by any chance, football was taking place, and that was how I got through it all. Unfortunately, the 49ers lost in OT, but it was a great game. I don't take losses badly anymore. 

This morning was even more gray and rainy than yesterday. I woke up with low glucose, so I grabbed an orange juice and drank it slowly to raise my glucose back to normal. I crawled back into bed and lay there since nothing else was happening.

I enjoyed the silence, with rain hitting the window as the only sound. I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until noon. The sky was a slightly lighter shade of gray, but that was the only difference I could see. 

I texted our friend, who is still recovering from surgery. He answered that he wasn’t feeling well, so I’ll let him alone so he can rest. 

A late update about our friend: apparently, the doctors found another cyst after his surgery. No further information, but we’re hoping for the best. 

I cooked salmon burgers for dinner, one of our favorite dishes. It’s also good for us and nutritious.