11 February 2024

11 February 2024
I took this picture. It is my property.

Gray. Dreary. Raining. These three words describe the day here. I feel OK physically, aside from congested sinuses and the resulting headache. Somehow, I feel different today. I can't quite understand why, but I decided to stay home, which was OK with Hal.
I resisted the urge to do what every American does. I did not order pizza or winds for Super Bowl Sunday. Hal encouraged me to watch my diet more closely and helped me with that. I made veggie burgers instead of ground beef, and they taste almost as good but are much better for me. When the urge for something different hit me, I went to the freezer and picked out a frozen dinner instead of ordering delivery. I feel proud of myself, and my blood glucose responds well to the change in my diet after only a few days.
Because it rained most of the day, I didn't feel the need to go out. Hopefully, tomorrow will not be as bad around here. After the Super Bowl, I want to go to bed. Speaking of the Super Bowl, I hope that the Niners win; I am keeping the volume off during all commercials or Taylor Swift sightings. If I never see pictures of her at another football game, it won't correct the damage already done. I enjoy the game without the volume; it takes away the inane yammering that annoys me.
Today isn't the most inspiring story, but I got something written down. I'll try to do better tomorrow.

Be kind to each other.