I Won't Argue About Religion

I Won't Argue About Religion
Photo by Andrew Seaman / Unsplash

I am an Atheist. I hate the term because it implies that I have a set of beliefs, just like any other religion. Nothing could be further from the truth, but the term categorizes me unnecessarily. I believe in Kindness toward myself and other human beings and living creatures. If others believe in one religion or another, I'm happy for them unless they try to impose their beliefs upon me. I am not an argumentative person, at least not anymore, but I refuse to be governed by a group of people who have willingly surrendered their free will to a groupthink organization like religion. 

I believe that people are good. Societies worldwide developed basic codes of conduct, and religion reflects those codes and not vice versa. Man came first and then invented gods to provide a sense of community and control by talking about "The All-Powerful God," who was responsible for anything that happened. It remains the perfect scenario because when one buys into it, they always feel that the results justify their faith, and their minds can become closed. 

Religion is implanted in children at an early age as a means of control. Difficult or complex issues are "resolved" through religion. Most people are content with that scenario. I was a "troublemaker" taught to question things until they made perfect sense or were total lies. 

I tried to accept religion so I would fit in with everyone else, and that experience made me miserable. I couldn't reconcile with what I saw around me. When I examined the situation further, I realized that the religion thing was an excuse to avoid making difficult decisions. I would not surrender the independence that my parents gifted me with. 

I mentioned at the beginning of this story that I hate the term "Atheist," but I prefer it to "Satanist" because if there is no god, then there is no devil. I suppose "Free Thinker" is the best term I can think of. I infuse my beliefs with Kindness. I don't condemn others who are religious as long as they don't condemn me. I always found it childish that Christians refer to those who don't believe as fools. From my perspective, that is a non-argument because it automatically reverts to name-calling, just like little children. I don't speak differently about believers when I'm not face to face with them, but I've had the misfortune of knowing believers who talk acceptance to my face and then condemn me behind my back. Even then, I won't return to confront them because I don't want to waste my time around all the negative energy that always occurs.

Another thing I never do is, for lack of a better word, proselytize to believers that I'm right and they're wrong. Again, that is a losing argument that only causes hate and discontent. Who needs more of that? 

Kindness gets me through the day. I am kind to others unless or until their actions make it clear that they only see Kindness as a weakness, something to exploit. Kindness does not mean gullibility or weakness. Kindness isn't free; it takes energy to give, so the first rule is to be kind to yourself. 

And so, my friends, I never argue about religion anymore. It isn't for me, but I'm not responsible for others and their choices until those choices take away my freedom. I don't want things to escalate to hostility, but that is a two-way street.

Be kind to each other.