07 March 2024 - A New Diet

07 March 2024 - A New Diet
I took this picture. It is my property.

Ever since I went to the hospital on Tuesday night with my blood sugar out of control, I have been on a diet that Hal put me on. I am adjusting slowly to this new approach, but it differs significantly from my past relationship with food. I love to cook, but I cook more than we need. I have to control my portions, and that is where Hal monitors everything that I eat. Hal reminds me to eat less than before for each meal, then eat another light meal several hours later.
I am responsible for monitoring my blood sugar levels throughout the day and ensuring I stay within range as much as possible. This goes for before and after meals. I take a small dose of insulin before a light meal and wait to see what happens approximately two hours after I eat. If my blood sugar hasn't gone too high by that point, I count that as a win. If it goes high, I must adjust for next time based on what I ate. So far, this plan has worked well for me, although I am getting used to not eating as much at one time as I did before.
Portion size is what Hal preaches about. For example, we ordered from Subway, and I got a footlong turkey and bacon sandwich. I cut it into four pieces and ate one quarter with a handful of Doritos, which counted as one meal, according to Hal. I waited over two hours, and my blood sugar hadn't spiked. I ate another quarter of the sandwich later in the evening and once again stayed within my normal range. I get hungry between these small meals, but I must remember that this is for my good. I should have listened to Hal when he told me about this meal plan in the past, but I was stupid and stubborn.
Hal is right about this plan; I know I will finally lose some weight if I stick with it. I told Hal he has unconditional control over what I eat and how much. When we went to Kroger, we bought ready-made salads, turkey, and turkey bacon to make more sandwiches here at home. I must get through the first few days and let my body adjust to this new routine. Feeling hungry isn't pleasant, but I am not in danger of starving.
I never thought I would end up on a diet, but here I go. If Hal weren't with me, I would have been dead many times over in the last 24 years. I trust him completely. He is my life. Hal will steer me right. I know he wants the best for me, and I want to do my best for him. He promises that I will lose weight, and I believe him.
So, anyway, my life is changing once again. Routines are not set in stone. Change keeps us feeling alive and refreshed. I embrace this new chapter and look forward to where it takes me.
Be kind to each other.