03 February 2024

03 February 2024

I'm feeling much better today, and I'm grateful. Once again, we're planning to go out today, and hopefully, we will. The idea of a nice casual lunch somewhere sounds wonderful after eating nothing but my delicious cooking for a week.
If we go out, I want to browse through Best Buy because I'm a tech nerd. I try to stay reasonably current with the latest and most significant technical trends., especially regarding Apple products. But today, I want to look at mini-refrigerators to store my medicines and small bottles of orange juice in my bedroom to clear space in the kitchen refrigerator.
Hal will want to go to other places and look at other things, so we plan to spend most of the day on our shopping trip.
Our first stop was TJ Maxx so that Hal could look at a few items. I trailed along behind him until he stopped in the small furniture section, and that's where we ran into COVID-19 Mary, who was constantly coughing without trying to cover her mouth. Hal and I had our masks on, but I told Hal to be careful and walked to the front of the store to stay away from that woman. We've noted more people wearing masks again around here, which is a good thing, but then there are always the COVID-19 Mary types who are selfish and don't care about anyone but themselves.
Our next stop was at a furniture store, where we looked at some cabinets and sofas. We aren't ready to buy anything right now, but knowing what is out there is always good.
After that, we went to a local town center-type mall. We had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen (CPK), and everything was delicious. I ordered a salad, but they brought me the wrong one, so we got an extra salad for free. I wish that there was a CPK closer to home. The one we went to is about 25 miles away.
While at the mall, I stopped at Warby Parker to check out some new glasses frames for my next update. My next eye exam is in March, so just like the furniture store, I want to know what is out there before I purchase anything.
No stop at that mall is complete without me going to the Apple store to drool, figuratively, over the newest Apple products. Honestly, I am intrigued by the Vision Pro, but not at that price until there are at least three versions on the street. If I were to buy anything in the immediate future, it would be the iPad Pro 12.9" model, along with the folio keyboard and pencil. One can never have too many writing tools, can one?
Our last stop before home was Best Buy. I checked out the new LG OLED TVs and glanced at a mini-fridge for the bedroom to store my medicine and some orange juice. I have so much medicine that the kitchen refrigerator loses too much space for other things just to hold my medicine. If there is anything that I buy in the immediate future, it would be the mini-fridge.
We had a great day, and I am feeling much better and amazed at how well my blood glucose does when I stop eating fast food. Giving up fast food will be a challenge, but I already know the results, encouraging me for the struggle ahead.
I'm watching UK play basketball vs Tennessee. Tonight, things don't look good for the Cats. I love watching UK basketball, but I don't care so much that I get upset anymore; it isn't worth it because it makes no difference at all how I feel. And I never blame the referees; that is what chronic losers do.
Anyway, I am doner for the day.
Be kind to each other.