01 February 2024

01 February 2024

January is behind us, slowly fading into the mists of the past. My 60th-year journey continues today with a busy schedule, especially in the morning. 

I took Hal to a medical appointment at 0900 because he had to have lab work done. Afterward, I stopped at the bank to get a cashier's check to pay my attorney's retainer fee for the month. Then, Hal and I went for our chiropractic visit. We accomplished those tasks before lunch. 

Rather than eating lunch at a restaurant, we came home for home-cooked food. I've gotten the kitchen routine rolling, so I don't cook every day. I already have pork chops ready to cook as soon as we finish the chicken breasts. I also have frozen salmon burgers to prepare after the pork chops are all gone. 

I placed our Kroger order for delivery this afternoon instead of going into the supermarket. COVID is heating up again, and although we see more people wearing masks than before, there is no reason to take unnecessary chances. I don't mind ordering grocery delivery because we don't need anything particular. If that were the case, we would go to the supermarket instead.

After we got home from the chiropractor's visit, I did a few side dishes for lunch and dinner. We will be here for the rest of the day and evening. I plan to get to bed early tonight because I fell into the bad habit of staying late again. Once I break that habit, I know I will feel better longer instead of sleeping all day. I am watching my blood glucose range since I decided to forego fast food and eat items I cooked at home. Thankfully, that decision paid off because my readings are excellent.

Hal and The Stooges are doing well. Hal convinced me to eat more home-cooked meals, and I'm grateful to him for that and everything he does for me. In addition to my 60th year, we are also celebrating our 24th anniversary year together. We celebrate every day like it is our anniversary anyway. That's the only way to live.